What’s the Norm?

Stay in the Loop with 'What's the Norm?': Your Ultimate Monthly Guide to Events, Reminders, NAOD Fun, Birthdays, Classes, Merchandise, and More!"



February at Norma's Academy is about celebrating Black History and Love all month long! Join us in spreading the love of dance as we share exciting updates and events for the month ahead – get ready to be inspired and keep dancing with us!"

April 2024

Spring into action with our April newsletter, beginning with a refreshing Spring Break recharge before diving back into dance! Join us for our Spring Fling block party, continue to gear up for our spring concert, and learn about two exciting new programs for the 2024-2025 season. Get ready for another month filled with rhythm and joy on the dance floor!"

MARCH 2024

Step into the vibrant beat of March, as we welcome the blooming spirit of spring, set new dance goals, and ignite renewed vibrance throughout the month at NAOD! Join us in the excitement of early spring concert preparation, virtual parent observation, and celebrating Women’s History Month – let's dance into March together!